Thursday, December 4, 2008

Call Me Crazy

Five months ago the price for a barrel of oil was about $150.00.  Then almost overnight it went down to about $45.00 a barrel.   Odd?  

Is anyone else feeling a little uneasy about how quickly the price of gas has gone down?  

Please don't get me wrong.  I am euphoric that I can fill up my minivan for under $30 bucks.  I am leaping for joy over the fact that I don't have to microplan when, where and if I am going to be driving today.  (I love to drive.  It is very soothing to me.)

But I have a sense that something is wrong.  I haven't been able to figure out what, but I have an analogy to illustrate my feeling.

Some people lived on a small island with a mountain in its center.  Passed through their oral history was a cautionary tale that said "if the water ever left the bay they must run to the highest point on the mountain".  

No one really knew why and most people passed it off as a fanciful spookie story to scare the children.  For as long as the people had lived there, the water had always been where it was supposed to be. 

One day the water receded from the bay.  The people were amazed.  Curiosity took over and many of them went down onto the previously covered ocean bottom to explore and see what treasures they could find.

Others remembered the history and in spite of the wonder and curiosity to go see,  they ran to the mountain.    From the their vantage point the people could see a strange line on the horizon.  A tsunami was headed their way.  

They started yelling down to the village about the danger that was about to hit.  Trying to get as many as would listen to come to safety.  But for many down below the excitement of the moment was too overpowering.  

As the tsunami hit there were many villagers who were unable to escape the great speed and ferocity of the wave and their lives were lost.  If only they payed attention to those who saw the danger coming.

I feel that our country is about to be hit by a figurative tsunami.  There are many on the mountain who are crying danger and there are some of us who are moving towards relative safety.  However there are masses of people who are not paying attention to the of the signs of danger.

One of my many questions is this.  Am I the only person who feels this way?  Am I becoming a paranoid middle-aged person? 


Blogger Sister Savanah Jo Ward said...

No! It makes no sense to me either! I think someone is playing with our minds, and pocketbooks to boot. Love your blogs! You should really be a writer!

December 4, 2008 at 10:11 PM  
Blogger Sherrie said...

I agree...and have felt for a while now that it's time to "gather in" and be a little more cautious about spending, about storage, just about listening to the prophet in general and to make sure that my family is where it should be and taken care of. :) But then...I am middle-aged so maybe it is just a middle-aged crisis...and we're both in it! HA!!! Bring on the peanut butter/chocolate ice cream!

December 5, 2008 at 9:06 AM  

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