Friday, November 14, 2008

A Gift that Keeps on Giving

Today I received an interesting Christmas Catalog.  "World Vision Gift Catalog".  It said that it was "full of meaningful gifts that change the world".  

With last week's historic election of America's first socialist president, bailouts, and the thought that McDonald's french fries might soon be financially out of reach, it certainly piqued my curiosity.

I must admit that I was surprised, I mean, I did not know you can feed a family with 5 ducks and 2 chickens.  Just $55 dollars and they can be yours!  If you don't want a gift that breathes, how about a cute little plush goat named Gertie?  Or if you're more the practical type, how about a colorful, scripture-citing, ceramic coffee mug.

As I thumbed through it, I stopped thinking about my own petty problems and I realized that I have it pretty good, all things considered.  So what if there is a push towards Socialism.  It will only go that way if Conservatives don't stand up and be as loud as the other side.  The bailouts? Let's face it, either way we're in for some rocky times.  Let's choose the rocky road that won't strap us as much as the other.  

And then it hit me, a meaningful gift that changes the world is "Courage".  Courage,  is doing what is right even when you're scared out of your wits and the world thinks that you're stupid. It's standing for principles when many around you don't.  It's going to bed at night and being at peace with your conscience.  That's powerful!  Can you believe it?  And it wasn't even in the book.  So don't fret about the future too much.  As long as there is courage there will be faith and hope . . . and change . . . well, who wants to sign up for the "Animal of the Month" club?!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hello World

The world may now rejoice...I am now learning how to blog.

I'm afraid that the first few blogs might be a bit dry as I really don't know what I'm doing, but oh well!  Forward!

For those of you whom have lost touch with us, we are now a family of 7.  Which means that if the nation switches to alternative energy cars...we will need two.  (I wonder if the environmentalists ever considered that?) But I digress, well, maybe not.

Riley and Nathan are attending "The Academy", a charter school and are doing quite well.  As Riley put it, "They don't let me get away with a lot of stuff". (hmmm)

Timothy is still at Wilcox and feels "left behind".  It's nice to know that, when they're not arguing, he misses his brothers.

Eric is ever the clever opportunist.  When I'm cleaning upstairs, he'll make a mess downstairs.

Ari is cute and sweet...we hope it will last.